Fall Escape

“Cherish all your happy moments; they make a fine cushion for old age.” – Booth Tarkington

Sometimes you just need a day. A day away from the daily grind and from a change of scenery. When I was younger, I would deny myself this thinking that I didn’t need it. I convinced myself that if I just push through, then I would be fine. Sometimes pushing through isn’t enough. Sometimes you have to stop pushing, and take a minute to breathe in order to process what is happening around you.

I needed a day to breathe last fall. As a teacher, the first quarter for me is the busiest time of the year. I had a day off last November, and I decided to take a day trip up to the mountains. I went up to one of my favorite areas to visit Curtis Creek. Curtis Creek is located near Old Fort, North Carolina in the mountains. There is a nice primitive campground there, and several trails. My favorite part about it is the creek runs right alongside the road, and you can see some pretty amazing views right off the side of the road. Eventually the path leads to the Blue Ridge Parkway. All in all, it’s a great place to visit in order to clear my head and have a moment away from it all.

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