Signs of Spring – Throwback 2022

“Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be.” – Khalil Gibran

There are some things that only happen once a year. From March Madness to the Superbowl, there are things that are only an annual event. They might happen over the course of a day, or it could take a few weeks. One annual event that I enjoy is the trees blooming around Charlotte, North Carolina. It’s a short window where the trees go from being covered in sticks to being covered in blooms then going right back to being leaves again. When they are blooming, I try to capture as many photos of them as I can in different parts of the city. It only happens for a short while, and it is great when it does.

I took these photos a couple of years ago back when I was riding my bike around an area called Southend in Charlotte. The rail trail runs through there connecting many of the area’s restaurants and hangouts together. This is just one point of the trail that has cherry trees planted over it.

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