Out in the Fields

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” ― Marcel Proust

I enjoy looking at a field or anytype of landscape view. I will stay there for a while taking in every detail I can find. I look for anything that might stick out or be unusual. If I see something different, I am going to capture a photo of it. Sometimes when I look at different photos of a particular place, I see basically the same thing with on slight change. It could be a different view or something shifted while I was there. Most might not see the difference but I do.

Last fall, the family and I took a trip to Jeter Mountain Farms. One thing the family likes to do every fall is go apple picking. We had heard about this place from a friend from church, and we decided to check it out. We have a great time picking apples, drinking cider, and having some apple doughnuts. Here are a few of the views I saw from the fields.

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