Sunset Over the Sea

“All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on.” – Havelock Ellis

What does the best day and worst day have in common, they eventually end. Sunset doesn’t stay around forever, just like one day eventually ends. Some days seem like they last forever, while others go by so fast it seems like they just started. Good days and bad days all end the same way, with the sun setting. All that means is we have another opportunity to try again the next day. That’s one of the reasons I love sunsets so much, it tells me that no matter how the day went, there is an opportunity for improvement the next day.

I took these photos back in December when the family and I were on a Christmas cruise. This was our first night out at sea when we had just left the port in Charlestown, South Carolina. Every time we are on a cruise, I try to capture at least one sunrise and one sunset over the water. This was one of my favorite ones from that trip.

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